Cooper A1

The first formal agricultural cooperative in Santa Catarina, headquartered in Palmitos, SC. We are based on an administrative tripod formed by associates, directors and employees. Our focus is to organize and promote the agricultural production of cooperative members, with a predominance of a model of family farming on small properties. We act in the receipt, drying, processing, storage, industrialization and marketing of the cooperative's production, in the production and marketing of feed and concentrates, in the common purchase of inputs and consumer goods, in addition to providing technical assistance in the field and social assistance and educational to members and collaborators. Most of the agricultural production of the cooperative members, mainly corn, is used as raw material for the production of animal feed in our factories. See more here. The industrialization of livestock production (swine, poultry and milk) is forwarded to our Cooperative Central Aurora Alimentos here. Our close relationship with the community is our mission. We are a cooperative and that makes all the difference. We are price markers in the market, we offer quality products and services, employment and income, dissemination of knowledge and education, collection of taxes and duties, and we generate wealth for the public coffers. We perform our dual purpose as a cooperative company and a society of people, and our differential is to generate economic and social results, guided by the principles and values ​​of cooperativism.

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